Module 2: basel and BCBS (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
With the introduction of the basel 3 accords after the 2007-2009 crisis some new concepts such as Leverage Ratio, Liquidity Coverage Ration or LCR, Net Stable Funding Ration NSFR, SIB or Systematically Important banks, and the capital buffers emerged. BCBS Origin and Role Basel is a city in Switzerland. Where the representatives of G10 countries got together in 1974 to form BCBS- Basel Comittee on Banking Supervision. The trigger for setting up BCBS was the failure of Herstatt bank in Germany. There were two main objectives for setting up BCBS:- 1. To enhance financial stability by improving the quality of banking supervision by central banks. 2. To monitor and ensure capital adequacy of the banks. To achieve these objectives BCBS releases accords which are known as Bassel accords. Today BCBS comprises of 45 members from 28 jurisdictions. Basel Accords The primary risk that the banks face is the non-repayment or default on loan by a borrower and is called c...